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CPR Registry

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Understanding the RECOVER CPR Registry

Gathering Data From Around the Globe

A registry is a health-related database containing demographic and clinical information of individual animals and serving a specific health-related purpose. Registries are used for long-term data collection, while observational research projects focus on short-term data gathering.

The RECOVER initiative developed a CPR registry to collect epidemiological information on CPR in small animals. Epidemiological CPR data in dogs and cats is currently only based on observational studies conducted in single veterinary hospitals. Due to the heterogeneity of the veterinary cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) population, data from a large number of animals are needed to determine the effects of specific variables (e.g., age) on the outcome. Important questions can be answered with registries. For example, determining the frequency of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and survival rates after CPR may provide practitioners with more evidence on how long to continue the resuscitation effort. In short, the RECOVER CPR registry is a central instrument to create new knowledge of small animal CPR. The RECOVER CPR registry-based its content on the Utstein-style reporting guidelines. Accordingly, data elements are divided into those absolutely required for the data to make any sense (aka, core variables) such as animal species and survival to discharge information, and into those that cannot reliably be collected or are primarily useful as hypothesis-generating data (aka, supplemental variables), rather than essential. Examples of supplemental variables include EtCO2 values or time until the first epinephrine administration.  The RECOVER case report form is designed to facilitate data collection required for the registry by using the same data elements and synchronized terminology.

The RECOVER CPR registry is implemented using an electronic research data capture system developed by the NIH and data can be entered via a computer terminal or tablet by everyone that has a RECOVER CPR registry account. Registry data will be made available to any registry contributor to answer specific hypotheses, provided a respective application was submitted and approved.

The RECOVER Registry Committee is chartered to develop and maintain the registry. The registry contains now more than 1000 cases of cardiopulmonary arrest in dogs and cases and is quickly growing. The committee responds on a rolling basis to expressions of interest from hospitals that consider to contribute.

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